Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Tetras Are Popular Aquarium Fish

The Tetras are small or medium size fish belonging to the Characin family. They come from South and Central America and from Africa. There are hundreds of different types of tetras. Many of these fish are almost incredibly beautiful. Most of The South American tetras come from soft, acid water. All will survive fairly happily at 24 degrees C (75 degrees F).

Neon Tetra

When people say Tetra, they sometimes mean the Neon Tetra, Paracheirodon innesi. This is one of the most popular aquarium fish. The Neon and its near relatives, the Cardinal, Paracheirodon axelrodi, and the Green Neon, Paracheirodon simulans, are all small fish, subject to predation by larger fish. They are very suitable fish for a community aquarium of small, peaceful fish including the next group of tetras.

Other fish which are suitable companions for the Tetras of the Neon Group include Guppies, Endlers Guppies, Platies and the smaller species of Danio. Smaller specimens of many other species are also suitable companions.

The three species of this group all come from very soft, acidic water. Although they can be acclimatized to Neutral water, avoid letting the water get too alkaline.

Small Peaceful Tetras

There are many types of peaceful fish in this group. The tetras in this group include the Black Phantom, The Black Neon, Diamond, Flame, Head and Tail Light, Glass Bloodfin, Glowlight, Lemon, Penguin, Pristella, Rosy, Rummy Nose, Silvertip and Splashing.

Larger or More Aggressive Tetras

The Tetras in this group can be kept with each other, and with the tetras of the previous group, but caution is necessary if putting them with the three species of the Neon group. Some tetras slightly larger or more aggressive are: Black Widow, Blind Cave, Buenos Aires, Emperor, Paraguay, Red Eye, and Serpae. These Tetras are also suitable companions for the small to medium sized Barbs like the Tiger Barb, Gold Barb and Rosy Barb.

As always, be aware of the sizes of your fish and avoid putting large fish with very small ones. For example, the Paraguay Tetra is only in the third group of tetras because it can be a little aggressive, but it is a small fish. You would not want to put a small Paraguay Tetra with a large Rosy Barb. This is only a short overview of a few of the more common tetras. Before keeping any fish, or other animal, you need to be aware of their needs.

freshwater aquarium

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